
Laparoscopic Myomectomy

Benign diseases of the uterus are found commonly in gynecologic patients and account for most laparotomies and hysterectomies. Myomas are the most common uterine neoplasm, affecting approximately 20 to 25% of women of reproductive age. They can develop in any area where there are smooth muscle cells of mullerian origin, such as the fallopian tubes, uterine corpus, and cervix. They arise from the benign transformation and proliferation of smooth muscle cells. Increased estrogen stimulation alone or in concert with growth hormone or human placental lactogen are the major growth regulators. Progesterone appears to inhibit the growth of myomas but under certain conditions may promote their growth.


The severity and type of symptoms associated with uterine leiomyomas are dependent on their number, size, and location. Common symptoms are abnormal uterine bleeding, abdominal pressure, urinary frequency, and constipation. Although they are seldom the only cause of infertility, data from several studies shows a link between myomas, fetal wastage, and premature delivery..